A Recipe for Success
September 15, 2014
Roxanne Allen
SMART Recovery Meeting Facilitator
“The research evidence clearly demonstrates that a one-size-fits-all approach to addiction treatment typically is a recipe for failure.” 1
If the one-size-fits-all approach is a recipe for failure, what approach is needed for success?
FASD Awareness Day 2014: September 9
September 9, 2014
Maureen Fitzgerald
Communications Coordinator, ATTC Network
Editor, NIATx
Maureen Fitzgerald
Communications Coordinator, ATTC Network
Editor, NIATx
During September, events across the
nation share the message of Recovery Month, that prevention works, treatment is
effective, and people can and do recover.
Along with the 25th anniversary of SAMSHA’s National
Recovery Month, 2014 also marks the
15th Annual observance of FASD Awareness Day, sponsored by SAMHSA’s FASD Center
for Excellence. (http://www.fasdcenter.samhsa.gov)
Earth Day, Google Doodles, and the Recovery Movement
September 4, 2014
Kimberly Johnson, MSEd, MBA
NIATx Deputy Director
Co-Director, ATTC Network Coordinating Office
At first, it seemed like a radical idea, with Rachel Carson
and scientists talking about how industrialization was destroying our
environment, but on the first Earth Day
on April 22, 1970, 20 million Americans took part in rallies across the nation
to demonstrate for clean air and water. A wave of legislation after the event
created United States Environmental Protection Agency and led to the passage of
the Clean Air, Clean Water,
and Endangered Species
Earth Day raised consciousness and created fertile ground
for research on ways to protect the environment. As a result, many
environmental issues have improved in the U.S.: we have cleaner air and water,
and thanks to recycling, we send much less garbage to landfills. Anyone that
can remember the 1970’s knows that there has been a tremendous improvement in
the environment here in the U.S. Earth Day is a now an international event
that’s noted on calendars and even has its own Google doodle.
What if we could make
the substance use disorders as rare as dumping chemical waste into the water?
What if we applauded addiction recovery as widely as the return of an
endangered species?
This month marks SAMHSA’s
25th National Recovery Month, with the theme “Join the Voices
for Recovery: Speak Up, Reach Out.” Events and activities across the country
are encouraging people in recovery to “go public” about how they live recovered
lives. One event that you won’t want to miss is SAMHSA’s live, interactive
webcast at 12 noon CST on September 15, Recovery
and Health: Echoing through the Community. SAMHSA is encouraging organizations
to take action and set up “Echo Events”— community organized meetings held in
tandem with the webcast. Find out how you can host
your own Echo Event.
National experts on the SAMHSA webcast include recovery
movement leader William White, who has also contributed the feature article “Tribute
to the Recovery Movement” to the September ATTC Messenger. And our Third
Thursday iTraining (September 18, 2pm EST) this month features speakers from Young People in Recovery.
You'll also want to mark your calendars for Wednesday, September 17, 2-4pm EST, when the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) is hosting Recovery at the White House. You're invited to host a viewing party of the event, which will be broadcast live on www.whitehouse.gov/live. This event will feature tweets with questions for panelists in recovery on stage. To find out more, contact Nataki MacMurray at RecoveryRSVP@ondcp.eop.gov
You'll also want to mark your calendars for Wednesday, September 17, 2-4pm EST, when the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) is hosting Recovery at the White House. You're invited to host a viewing party of the event, which will be broadcast live on www.whitehouse.gov/live. This event will feature tweets with questions for panelists in recovery on stage. To find out more, contact Nataki MacMurray at RecoveryRSVP@ondcp.eop.gov
All of these activities underscore the message delivered in SAMHSA's Recovery Month Kick-off webcast on September 4. Combating the public health crisis of addiction requires a coordinated
effort among addiction treatment providers, government officials, law
enforcement, researchers, schools, churches, community groups, families…anyone and everyone affected by addiction.
I used to want a ribbon or a wristband for the Recovery
Movement. Now I’m thinking Google Doodle. Why? Who cares? Because a symbol of recognition that reaches beyond
those of us working in the field or in recovery ourselves is an important
marker. If we are ever going to clean up our
environment and make addiction rare and recovery lauded, we need to build
the movement, gain the attention of the general public, all of whom are
affected by substance abuse in some way, and make every month Recovery Month.
Kimberly Johnson, NIATx Deputy Director and ATTC Network Coordinating
Office Co-Director, served for seven years as the director of the Office of
Substance Abuse in Maine. She has also served as an executive director for a
treatment agency, managed intervention and prevention programs, and has worked
as a child and family therapist. She joined NIATx in 2007 to lead the ACTION
Campaign, a national initiative to increase access to and retention in
treatment. She is currently involved in projects with the ATTC Network and
NIATx that focus on increasing implementation of evidence-based practices,
testing mobile health applications, and developing distance-learning programs
for behavioral health.