UNITE to Face Addiction Rally concert-goers.
Photo: UNITE to Face Addiction
For those of us in long-term recovery, the
UNITE to Face Addiction Rally was powerful on so many levels. On October 4, 2015, an
estimated 30,000 recovering individuals and our allies gathered at The Mall in Washington, D.C. The speakers included well-known public figures such as
U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy, Director of National Drug Control Policy
Michael Botticelli, former Congressman
Patrick Kennedy, Senator Edward Markey, and Dr. Oz; public figures affected by family members’ addiction, like
Allison Janney, whose brother died of an overdose; and “ordinary” recovering folks like those in the audience. Recovering musicians provided incredible entertainment: Joe Walsh, Steven Tyler, Sheryl Crow, and Paul Williams.